Wednesday, May 8, 2013

We came to London and saw the Queen

The State opening of Parliament is a grand occasion - streets are closed, barriers go up, the sand goes down on the road for the carriages safe progress, and many soldiers must spend many hours getting their uniforms just right,(and their shoes to a mirror finish - I checked one out who was standing near me)
We went to  Whitehall, just near the turnout from Horseguards Parade, and watched the processions of gurads on their horses, resplendent in their uniforms, and then after a bit of shouting by one of the guards, bringing all to attention, the carriages came round  (They don't look the most comfortable form of transport - a fair bit of jolting involved)- the first holding the Crown the Queen wears, and sword of State. The second carriage took Prince Charles and Camilla, and the came the main players, The Queen and Prince Phillip. There was a tiara, and lovely gowns, (we could only see a little), and the Princes in full uniforms. It must have taken a while to get them all dressed and in order.It is a process ages old, but it still creates a wonderful scene, of tradition long respected. There were a lot of people lining all the route of the procession, and many waited for the return journey after the Opening of Parliament and the Queens speech.
Another little experience so much a part of the history and tradition of this city.
More soon

 Prince Charles' carriage appears
 Carriage carrying Prince Charles and Camilla

 The Queen's carriage turning frm Horseguards Parade to Whitehall. The sand on the road is to give the wheels of the carriages some gripping points

Prince Phillip on this side, the Queen was on the far side

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