Sunday, April 15, 2007

No. 8 - RSS feeds and all that jazz

I finally got the time to check out the RSS feeds. IF I had a lot of time, I could find myself subscribing to many interesting feed. I have limited mine to news, (I did browse the travel ones, but I saw a few listings about accidents etc, and with a trip coming up, I dont need that sort of information.
I can see this service being of huge assistance and vital link for anyone trying to keep abreast of world happenings, anything in any area of life, it is never ending. And the short the time limit you put eg - 1 hour update, the addiction to checking, just in case would be huge. I hate to think what would happen if I subscribed to a 'latest handbag feed' . Anyway, this has been a useful exercise to check how they actually happen.

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