Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Eurodam Waltz

I mentioned in a previous posting how the ship develops a personality with the sound of the horn, and the operational sounds. Last night it was confirmed with the amazing departure from St Johns. We had been told about the departure music in the harbour – as we blew the horn three times which is normal as you leave the dock, all the other ships in the little harbour – freighters, local fishing boats, coastal traders and oil boats, and private vessels, all started sounding their horns in salute at the maiden departure from their port, of a ne ship. There were lots of people lining the wharf, and all along the cliff face as we again navigated the very narrow entrance to the harbour. The sound of the horns – others blowing, then our ship replying, was echoing round the cliffs and hills at the back of the city. This was called the Eurodam waltz. An experience that will not be repeated any time soon. I could imagine all the ships, big and small , all trying to outdo each other to call out their greetings and farewells. A tissue was needed.
More soon

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